Spanish Bluebells at Sunset

Spanish Bluebells - D700, 70-200 with 500D

Spanish Bluebells - D700, 70-200 with 500D

This is from the flower garden my wife has outside our front door. I enjoy these Spanish Bluebells every year. Shot this at sunset the other day, couldn’t resist the back-light…added a little Fractalius filter and some other enhancements in PS3. They are done for the year so I’ll have to wait till next year to shoot them some more…

Summer’s Coming

Summer Fun - D700, 70-200 f/2.8

Summer Fun - D700, 70-200 f/2.8

We were at a family picnic this Memorial Day weekend and my niece was having a good time running in the yard. Of course I had a camera handy and managed to get a few good shots. This was processed using Topaz Simplify and a few other tweeks in PS3. Really caught the moment for me…feel the sun in your hair and the grass on your toes?

Red Azalea

Red Azalea - D700, 70-200mm with 500D filter

Red Azalea - D700, 70-200mm with 500D filter

Playing around in the yard last night at sunset and saw the azalea back-lit at sunset. So I grabbed the camera, put on the 70-200 with a Canon 500D close up filter and a Sing-Ray soft focus filter and snapped some shots. I used a silver reflector to bounce some light back into the flowers. Pulled them into PS3 and did some enhancements to one using the Fractalius filter. Captures some of what I saw last night…

Jekyll in Sepia Tones

Driftwood Beach Sepia - D700

Driftwood Beach Sepia - D700

Here are a couple of shots from the Jekyll Workshop converted to black and white and the sepia toned.  Seemed to be just what the images needed. The first one was shot on Driftwood Beach one morning. I liked the way the clouds, branches and water all echo the same shapes and patterns.  The second one was in a marsh area near the pier at sunset. I call the second one “Marooned on Jekyll” because that’s what we were for a while till we decided to ford the stream to get away from the “bugs”. That little stream in the foreground is 2 feet deep and NOT receding.

Marooned on Jekyll - D700

Marooned on Jekyll - D700

Driftwood Beach – Jekyll Island

Red Sky on Driftwood Beach - D700, 24-70mm

Red Sky on Driftwood Beach - D700, 24-70mm

No, the sky wasn’t really that color, but the trees on Driftwood Beach were REALLY that spectacular! I did some post production enhancements to add a little mood to the image. Actually this image can be processed with quite a few different interpretations. This is just the one I went with at the moment…

Fern & Pink Petals


Fern & Pink Petals - D700, 70-200 f/2.8

I was taking some photos for a friend of his garden last week and came across some ferns with Kwanzan cherry blossom petals on them. The light was nice and soft just after a shower and the pink and green color combination said “take my picture”.

Sailing on the Calibogue Sound – HHI

Sailing on the Calibogue Sound - D200 Converted to IR

Sailing on the Calibogue Sound – D200 Converted to IR

This was the view from the condo one evening so of course I had my IR camera ready. The clouds and reflections on the water got my attention, all I had to do was wait for the sailboat to get into position. Would have liked for the sailboat to be closer to the near shore so the sail didn’t break the horizon. Still, works for me… There is a guy riding a bike on the beach and two people sitting on the beach watching the sunset. Easier to see in the larger version.

Tidal Bubbles

Tidal Bubbles - D700

Tidal Bubbles – D700, Variable ND Filter

While shooting in the marshes one evening a few of us got marooned by the tide (you know who you are). As we were waiting for the tide to go out Craig pointed us to the moving bubbles on the tide. This was a 6 second exposure using a Sing-Ray Variable ND filter. Eventually we had a few too many bugs to deal with and did a knee high water crossing to get back to civilization. You might say we paid in blood for these shots…